ARCs are out. Autumn is having a nervous breakdown.

by autumnkarr

We’ve just finished editing Vendetta yesterday! One final proofread and it will be ready for publication.

The book was edited by the lovely Lauren K. McKellar and we couldn’t be happier (or recommend her enough). She’s worked with so many good authors and the second a friend of ours pointed her out, we knew we wanted her on V-team.

And so, last night we sent out ARCs to everyone who signed up. In seven days, Vendetta goes live…

To say I’m terrified is an understatement. I’m alternating between catatonic and sick to my stomach today, lmao. But I got a few messages and e-mails that people are enjoying it, so hopefully all goes well.

It’s so weird with writing. I’m extremely proud of what Sienna and I wrote. We really gave it our all, and for four months we both lived and breathed this story. BUT that doesn’t have to mean everyone will feel it’s good. It’s why it’s so terrifying putting yourself out there, I guess — once it’s out there, it’s out there — there’s no more fixing it up. I’m perfectly aware constructive criticism helps authors improve but I may take some time to read those reviews, at least until I can distance myself enough to say “Oh, good point!”

Anyway, I don’t know what the point of this blog post is. I guess to say, I hope everyone who reads Vendetta enjoys it! Oh, and if we promised an ARC to someone and you didn’t get it, feel free to e-mail either one of us or contact us through our Facebook page (contact info), and we’ll get to it. I might have kept fifteen separate lists and got lost figuring out who needs what (school for next time — one list is enough).

– Autumn